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selected undergrad coursework

HONORS 221 A: Evolution and Human Behavior 

Quarter: Winter 2020 | Professor: Dr. Jon Herron

I learned a lot in HONORS 221. As a Political Science major I don't get much science in my standard coursework. This course has made me think about humans differently. In addition I really appreciated learning how to read scientific studies as a social science student. I can take this skill with me for the rest of my life. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to take this course because it has helped me rediscover my interest in science! Dr. Herron's passion was also made enjoy taking this course. You can view my Group Research Project Report using the button on the right.

POL S 405 A: Advanced Seminar on The Politics of Funding the #BlackLivesMatter Movement 

Quarter: Spring 2020 | Professor: Dr. Megan Ming Francis + additional instructor Dr. Carmen Rojas

The button to the right will allow you to download and listen to my final group project for POL S 405: The Funding of the Black Lives Matter Movement. This was not only my favorite class at UW thus far, but I also put my best work into this podcast. I not only enjoyed the research, but also the creative challenge. This class also inspired my senior capstone project (see below).

POL S 499: Center for American Politics and Public Policy Undergraduate Fellowship

Quarters: Autumn 2021 - Spring 2022 | Advisors: Rebecca Thorpe, Ryan Goehrung

One of my undergraduate career goals is being involved in research. My senior year, as a CAPPP fellow, I conducted my own research in a year-log project which I presented at the Mary Gates 25th Annual Undergraduate Symposium. My research explored nonprofit effectiveness using houseless as a case study. You can view my poster for the symposium to the right. Below the poster a the button that will take you to my paper.

To help or not to help? Crying may help you answer the question!

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